This blog originally started up largely as an exercise for me to compile and compare all the different options available to me and decide which pedal/s would best serve my purposes. This involved a lot of classifications and comparisons - where I evolved my know well-known '12 Degrees of Saturation' methodology to help me place different gain pedals on the gain spectrum - so that I was sure that I was really comparing like with like. It's all a bit of a grey science, but there are some salient inherent parts - even though the first editions of 12 degrees weren't wholly correct in their assumptions - but near enough, and said methodology has served me very well throughout. 12 Degrees of Saturation sets out a spectrum of gain - illustrated by bright yellow at the lowest hue of gain - or Boost / Clean Boost, we then move through 12 overlapping categories overall to a deep dark red at the Extreme end.
You will note from the diagram that we have a number of instances of useful Boosts and EQ's peppered throughout the chain. And where said pedal can deliver a clean boost - then you can wholly deploy some shaping of the EQ too.
I would generally encourage everyone to go wireless as it just makes everything much much easier. And the Line 6 Relay G10 has proven to be quite superb for me all these years!