ENTELECHY Entelechy is a Greek word meaning the realization of potential. (Location 222)
Each of our puzzle pieces combine to create the wonder and magnificence of the whole. Problems arise when: • we don’t know our puzzle piece • we don’t understand our inherent value • we are conditioned to believe there are hierarchies of value • we attempt to live puzzle pieces other than our own to establish value • we fail and blame ourselves, believing we are deficient. (Location 226)
Unless you’re living in alignment with yourself, you will be caught in the web of some version of this misunderstanding. (Location 234)
The devastating result is that we suffer, and all humanity loses out. We don’t bring our gifts. Our unique light stays hidden. We don’t realize our entelechy. Our potential lies dormant. Our purpose is unlived. (Location 235)
Fulfilling an image of who we should be, do, or have ultimately leaves us empty. (Location 249)
When we are connected to our inner guidance, we get the information we need. And then, the as-yet-unrealized solutions come forth. (Location 255)
We are being called to move into partnership with ourselves, with each other, and with life. (Location 257)
I have that inner sense that when I resonate with something, I do it, no matter how odd it might seem to the conventional world. (Location 266)
Being touched in a gentle way that met my tension without activating my defenses broke me open. (Location 268)
We abandoned ourselves to ensure love and survival. We dissociated from our inner guidance. From our potential. From our connection to nature. From our connection to each other. And most importantly, we dissociated from the power of our earthy, humanly existence as embodied spirit in partnership with Source. (Location 276)
It’s time to know who we are and claim it. It’s time to show up and let our differences shed new light. We cannot solve the current problems while we’re absent from ourselves. (Location 280)
Think about it. If a child is seen as an individual and knows who they are, a different path lies ahead. If their entelechy is called forth from the beginning…imagine what might be possible. (Location 292)
I love the Enneagram and continue to use it to this day in my attempt to understand and work with people. It is a brilliant system to recognize our ego patterns. It shows us who we are not. It lays out the strategies we’ve adopted to navigate trauma. (Location 336)
Human Design is a message. It carries a frequency. When you tap into the frequency the message is available. (Location 341)
Line 3 is all about learning through trial and error. (Location 354)
People with a 6th Line are the old souls. They have a long view of life and understand things people don’t necessarily see. This was always my experience, and it was baffling to me what I knew that others didn’t understand. Having this reflection was a relief and a salve. It reinforced the belief that I wasn’t crazy. It supported me to trust my inner guidance. Which, interestingly, is one of the gifts the 6th Line brings to humanity. They are the Role Models showing the way to the new paradigm. (Location 358)
The third thing that validated my experience was the understanding that people with a 6th Line tend to hang on the outskirts rather than jump into the middle of gatherings. They tend to focus on taking in the whole picture, rather than engaging directly (with the exception of those first thirty years). Having this reflection gave me permission to let go of pressure that I should be in the center. It let me relax and enjoy my stepped-back (Location 364)
I had special talent, but I couldn’t articulate it. I couldn’t just bring it out into the world. It had to be recognized by others and called out. (Location 369)
I only know to go into my hermitage and write. I can see she has taken in what I’ve written. (Location 371)
As students of Tibetan Buddhism, we were told two stories as metaphors to approach the teachings. First to leave our shoes at the door. This was symbolic of leaving our egoic thinking and our past experiences outside. And the second was to come with a clean, empty teacup. If our teacup was full, there was no room for new knowledge. If our teacup was dirty, the teachings would be tainted. If the teacup had a crack, the teachings would leak out. (Location 382)
If you want to experience the full depth of the Profiles, start with your own. Sit in meditation. Sit in stillness. Connect with your Profile. Speak to it. Ask it for guidance. Listen to it. Let it guide you. (Location 414)
Human Design was downloaded to a Canadian fellow in 1987 who was on retreat off the Coast of Spain. (Location 438)
Human Design is a synthesis of astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the Hindu chakra system, the Judaic Kabbalah, and quantum physics. (Location 440)
The understanding is that we are each like a piece of the giant puzzle of humanity. Each one of us is perfectly designed. Each one of us is an integral part of the whole. There is no hierarchy. The question is, are we living our design? (Location 442)
The basis of the Human Design chart is an accurate birth time, date, and place. This information locates a person in relation to the neutrino stream, the planets, and the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching. (Location 447)
In traditional astrology, at the time of your birth, the planets were in a particular configuration in the sky. Depending on their location, they were situated somewhere in the 12 astrological houses and in the 12 signs. My wife was born in late March, so her Sun was in the sign of Aries at the time of her birth. She was born early in the morning, before sunrise, so her Sun was in the 12th House. In Human Design, the planets at the time of her birth were in the same place in the sky, but instead of dispersed throughout the 12 houses and 12 signs, they are placed within the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching. (Location 449)
A hexagram is six lines counting from the bottom to the top (see Chart #4). Not only is Yarrow’s Sun in the 17th Hexagram, it’s also in the 6th Line of that 17th Hexagram. Her Moon is in the 8th Hexagram and the 1st Line. Understanding that second number based on the six lines is crucial to understanding the Profiles, and we’ll dive into those six lines shortly. (Location 458)
But first, let’s look at the quantum physics influence in Human Design. The neutrino stream is made up of tiny subatomic particles that travel close to the speed of light. They have no electrical charge and very little mass. Trillions of them are streaming through our bodies and the universe day and night. Scientists say that neutrinos may be the reason that matter exists. So, how does the neutrino stream fit into this Human Design picture? At the time of our birth, the neutrino stream picks up the energy of the planets in the Hexagrams. This gives our body its unique substance. In Human Design, we take the combination of the neutrino stream from the moment of our birth and combine it with the neutrino stream at a particular moment three months prior to our birth to create the bodygraph. We call the energies from our actual birth time Conscious and the energies from three months prior Unconscious. If you look at a bodygraph, you will see the Conscious denoted with the color black and the Unconscious with red. When we combine the Conscious and Unconscious neutrino streams, which have picked up the energies of the planets, we have our quantum multidimensional bodygraph. It is our unique puzzle piece. (Location 461)
Following your Type, Strategy, and Authority enables you to activate and utilize the Profiles at the highest level. (Location 494)
The Conscious aspect always comes first; the Unconscious is second. (Location 515)
When we look at the 6 Lines of the Hexagram (Chart # 4), we see that Line 1 starts at the bottom of the chart, and we work up from there. (Location 522)
The first three lines (again, coming from the bottom up) have a learning style connected to themselves. This is a self-to-self or intrapersonal style. So, if you or someone you’re working with has a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Line Profile (Conscious or Unconscious), you’re discovering life and relating what you’re learning to yourself. On the other hand, if you or someone you’re working with has a 4th Line, 5th Line, or 6th Line Profile (Conscious or Unconscious), your learning style is interpersonal. You learn about life in relation to others. As we introduce the 12 Profiles, you will see that the majority of the Profiles have some combination of an intrapersonal and interpersonal learning style. That will be an important part of the conversation as we go forward. (Location 528)
Human Design names, honestly, have a somewhat unfriendly vibe. Especially Line 3, 4, and 5. Most people I introduce to Human Design are a bit put off by them. They go into resistance. Who wants to identify with names like Martyr, Opportunist, or Heretic? Really? Nonetheless, when you understand them, they do make a sort of sense. (Location 537)
For example, the 5th Line, the Heretic, is bringing new solutions that break with the norm. People project negatively on what they can’t understand. Think of Galileo, who had a 5th Line, The Heretic, and was brought before the Roman Inquisition to defend the theory that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe. (Location 539)
The 3rd Line is called the Martyr in Human Design. This person willingly sacrifices herself/himself by throwing themselves into situations that may or may not work. They do this as an evolutionary offering, committed to finding a better way. Galileo also had a 3rd Line. Knowing that what he discovered could defy the status quo, he was willing to sacrifice himself to discover the truth. (Location 547)
Note: May or may not work
The Martyr (The Experimenter) Themes • Learns by trial and error • Must embody things to know if they work • Learns through experience • Bonds made and broken • Catalysts of change Entelechy: To determine the next level of possibility on the material plane through experience and experimentation. (Location 593)
The Line 3 Profile is engaged in a full-on dialogue with the material plane. They are challenging the status quo and anything in their path to see if it is correct or if there is a way to improve it. Ra explains that “the keynote of Martyr refers to the 3rd Line’s ability to stand up and say, ‘This is not true,’ and take the heat for it.” Perpetual learners as they engage in life, they should never be criticized, but instead asked, What did you learn? They may not be the easiest people to be in relationship with as they are always feeling what is off and needing to improve it. Without the Line 3 energy, the world would be woefully lacking. We need the Line 3’s resilient and robust capacity to meet life, challenge it, and upgrade it! (Location 600)
LINE 5 The Heretic (The Illuminator) Themes • Highest Line — universalizes their message • Harmonic with Line 2 • Here to save humanity • Luminary – lighting the world with their new solutions • Transpersonal • Projected on positively and negatively • Here to influence strangers • Karmic relationships • Draw people in need of solutions Entelechy: To take humanity to the next level of possibility by bringing new solutions. Line 5 is said to be the highest Line of the Hexagram. We would assume it would be the 6th Line, and while the Line 6 does bring a kind of closure, it also is also looking forward to the next Hexagram’s 1st Line. We could think of the progression in terms of the maiden/mother/crone archetype. Perhaps the first three lines are like the maiden exploring the world, trying to figure out what life is all about. The 4th Line might be the new mother trying to stabilize the home, dependent on the community for support. The 5th Line could be the mature mother, a problem solver, volunteering or working to save the future of humanity. The 6th Line might be the Crone, the wise guide. She is physically on the decline yet at the height of wisdom. The crone sees the grandchildren ushering in a new cycle. So, Line 5 takes everything in the chart to a universal level. The energy is transpersonal rather than personal. The light they shine is like the sun, the solutions they bring light up the world. Again, think of Galileo. Line 5 is harmonic with Line 2, which has that quality of being hidden and a seductiveness in that hiding. The 5th Line challenge? People sense that those with a Line 5 can help them and they project on the 5th Line. It’s as if the Line 5 is acting as a mirror for people, showing them what they want to see. If the Line 5 can solve the problem at hand, they are heralded as the savior. If they are not able to solve the problem, they fall from grace and are blasted with negative projections. As a result, people with Line 5 can have a shy quality and only show a few people who they really are. Always in the ready for the next crisis, it’s important for the 5th Line Profiles to be in the right place to get the right projections. They must choose wisely the problems they agree to take on and to step out once they have played their part. Otherwise, they risk potent negative projections. Unlike the Line 4 person, who is here to impact people from their network in an intimate way, the people with Line 5 in their Profile are here to influence strangers. For example, I had never heard of Angela Lauria (3/5 Profile) when I saw her ad to write a book show up on my Facebook feed. She was reaching out to strangers. I watched her webinar and signed up for her program. I saw her as someone who could help me write a book. If her program had not worked for me, I would have undoubtedly blamed her rather than my own limitations. With this blueprint of impacting strangers of consequence comes an understanding that their relationships are karmic.… (Location 625)
A Line 6 person is an old soul who is inclined to trust their own inner authority over the authority of others. (Location 689)
Like the 5th Lines, they are said to have karmic or destiny relationships. Everyone they meet matters in their evolutionary process. (Location 694)
The second number is derived from the Unconscious Sun, and we may or may not be as aware of that energy. (Location 701)
There are three groupings of Profiles divided by what is called the Incarnation Cross. The study of the Incarnation Cross is a whole other book, but for our purposes, all you need to know is that the Incarnation Crosses tell us the nature of a person’s destiny. (Location 704)
If you look at the chart (see Chart #6), The Right Angle Crosses, which have a personal destiny, are in the left column. The Juxtaposition Cross, which has a fixed fate, is in the middle column. And Left Angle Crosses, which have a transpersonal destiny, are in the right column. (Location 706)
8 (Location 709)
The key to aligning with your Profile is to follow your Strategy and Authority. These are the foundational pieces of Human Design that keep you on track with yourself. Their importance cannot be underestimated. (Location 712)
Our Strategy shows us the best way for us to interact with the external world. It is key to optimizing our energy. (Location 718)
The Projector Strategy is to wait for the invitation or to be recognized. (Location 723)
Authority shows you how to best make decisions given your design. Your chart will indicate your Authority. (Location 726)
Emotional Authority: Designed to wait out their emotional wave before making decisions. (Location 728)
Sacral Authority: Designed to make decisions in the moment in response. (Ah huh/ah un) (Location 730)
Splenic Authority: Designed to make decisions with your intuition and inner knowing. Requires deep listening. (Location 731)
Ego Manifested Authority: Your voice is your authority. Listen to what you say to know what to do. (Location 733)
Ego-Projected Authority: Wait to be recognized and invited. (Location 734)
Mental Authority/No Authority: Speak to a neutral listener to hear yourself. (Location 735)
Lunar Authority: Take a month before making a decision. (Location 737)
The 1/3’s passion for research and willingness to discover through exploration ignites a mutative process that ultimately brings an evolving foundational ground to humanity. (Location 752)
The 1st Line can feel uncomfortable until they have mastered what they need to know. (Location 768)
Self-oriented and independent, the 1/3 Profile learns from authorities on their path. When they are in alignment with their Profile, they then become the authority. This Profile tends to move forward in life in a measured way, taking risks when it is safe to do so. (Location 786)
The 1/3 Profile brings a particular gift to humanity. Their minds are amazing. (Location 791)
For one, they can get stuck in the Line 1 aspect – the insecurity. If they cannot get the information, they need to feel safe enough to venture out into the land of experimentation, they can freeze. (Location 806)
Research is fundamental to the well-being of the 1/3. If they do not have access to an education, it hinders their capacity to gain the knowledge they need to step into their role as the authority. (Location 813)
Your light cannot be replicated by anyone else. (Location 833)
The 1/4 genius lies in their insatiable curiosity to understand the world coupled with their capacity to share what they discover with humanity. (Location 873)
Deeply relational, the Unconscious Line 4 Profile has a need for community and a strong network. You could say that their lives depend on their network. Their jobs, their relationships, and their homes all come from their network. They have a unique capacity to impact people on a personal level through their network. THE 1/4 PROFILE Line 1 is harmonic with Line 4. Both Lines are focused on gathering information about the world, but while Line 1 is engrossed in understanding the material world, Line 4 is drawn to understanding relationships. (Location 895)
The 1/4 Profile needs their lines to be working harmoniously with one another if they are to flourish. The Line 1’s need for introspection must be in harmony with the Line 4’s need for social contact. (Location 915)
The 1/4 Profile has a message to bring. If someone doesn’t receive their message or challenges it, the 1/4 Profile will not confront or try to convince the person. The 1/4 will simply shift their focus away from those people. (Location 925)
You need to stress the importance of their solitary study time engaging in something that fascinates them. That must be in place. (Location 929)
Entelechy: The 2/4 Profile has the enviable capacity to connect with their innate talents then share them with the world in the right time and place. In this way they bless and transform the world. (Location 983)
The 2/4 Profile has an unusual and interesting dynamic. They live between the tension of needing time to be by themselves to honor their Hermit and needing time to be with others to engage socially. (Location 989)
They may stay longer in a job than is good for them while they’re procuring the next stable employment. (Location 1004)
Jennet also explained that she was conditioned to believe that in marketing, she should be visible to the whole world. That never worked for her. Whenever she tried to market, she struggled. In truth, clients just come to her. She would always tell people with a quizzical smile that she’s never done marketing. (Location 1080)
Her advice to working with someone who has a 2/4 Profile is, “Surrender and trust. Enjoy your hermit time.” She admits that if she gets stuck, she can become invisible. But then life calls on her. (Location 1084)
The 2/5 Profile has the remarkable potential to bring their genius to the world and solve universal problems with pragmatic solutions. (Location 1138)
With the 2/5 Profile, the Line 2 and Line 5 are harmonic. Both the Conscious Line 2 and the Unconscious Line 5 attract projections from others. (Location 1143)
The Unconscious Line 5 elevates the whole chart to a universal level. This is transpersonal energy committed to serving humanity. (Location 1154)
Line 5 Profiles are recognized as people who can help. In this context, they are sought out and called upon for assistance. They also call others to them. Sometimes referred to as seductive, they have a magnetic pull that attracts the people they are to serve. (Location 1157)
The best strategy for a Line 5 is to help by offering the needed practical guidance then retreat, allowing others to complete what they initiated. (Location 1159)
When a 2/5 Profile walks into a room, people inevitably sense their ability to help them. (Location 1166)
If a 2/5 Profile can embrace both Lines of their Profile, they can be seen and called out to meet the pressing demand. In this way, they carry out the big work they came to do. They transform the world with their genius. (Location 1185)
The bottom line is that the Line 2 has a hidden genius. When it is seen, called out, and put to work for the benefit of humanity through the Line 5, all things are possible. (Location 1192)
If the Line 5 is getting positive projections but then believes the projections to be personally about them, they can get entwined in believing they are the savior rather than the bringers of the solution. This can be a heavy and unrealistic burden. Also, the Line 5 is designed to bring the solution and then step away. Their job is done. It’s time to let others take over. If the Line 5 stays too long, the positive projection can turn negative. (Location 1205)
The great fixers • Innovative solutions • Can sustain trial-and-error process • Bonds-made-and-broken pattern • Projected on • Can become pessimistic • Need non-repetitive work • Here to influence strangers of consequence Entelechy: Through their intrepid trial-and-error exploration, the 3/5 Profile has the challenge and capacity to discover new solutions to humanity’s problems. Innovative and influential, they use their charm and seductive powers for the greater good. (Location 1263)
Think of the 3/5 Profile as a resilient, adaptable person who is here to come up with novel solutions. In their trial-and-error process, they often make a mess. Like a kid who takes apart a computer before reassembling, the project may look like a failure to an onlooker. But the 3/5 keeps going until it figures out what works. They bump along in life, continuously finding new ways to improve life and relationships. (Location 1277)
People see the 3/5 as saviors and want their help. They project all over the 3/5. If the 3/5 takes the projections (positive or negative) to heart, they’re in for trouble. Truly, what people see has very little to do with the 3/5 and everything to do with the person projecting. (Location 1280)
The 3/5 can be a bit challenging in relationship as they can pick up and walk away if things aren’t to their liking. But they can also stick around… (Location 1282)
With a powerful karma, the 3/5 is here to influence a broad reach of people and leave the world in a… (Location 1284)
The Martyr (The Experimenter) The Conscious Line 3 is here to determine the next level of possibility on the material plane through experiential experimentation. They are mutating the world. They must try something to see if… (Location 1285)
The material plane is their playground. They continuously challenge the status quo. They are testing what arises in their path, checking to see if there is a way to improve what’s before them. With a love of discovery, they wholeheartedly engage in life. People with a Line 3 Profile are designed to encounter life, question it, and improve it! Criticism is antithetical to their learning style and will… (Location 1288)
Relationships are not spared in this learning process. The 3rd Line is looking to see what works and what doesn’t work. This activates a bonds-made-and-broken theme. If something is off in a relationship, it’s unbearable for the 3rd Line. Their trial-and-error mechanism kicks in. They may need to distance themselves to figure out another approach. It’s possible they will come back to find a new way of… (Location 1291)
Line 5 is considered the highest line of the Hexagram. With a Line 5 in the Profile, the whole chart is taken to a universal level. People with 5th Lines have the enormous job of serving humanity. They have a responsibility. They have influential power. They are the saviors here to solve problems. They are bringing a new light with new solutions. How they go about doing that will depend on which line the Line 5 is paired with. For example, paired with the Line 1, answers become clear through research. Paired with the Line 2, answers are revealed while they’re in their hermitage. In this case,… (Location 1296)
Regardless of how the Line 5 resolves crises, they are recognized by others as someone who has the capacity to help. They are sought out and called upon. They also call others to them. With a seductive and… (Location 1302)
Not designed to be solving problems day and night, they are more like the surgeon on call, at the ready, waiting to… (Location 1304)
There are a few challenges here: The 5th Line is projected on. They are not seen for who they are, rather for who people want them to be. They act as mirrors, showing… (Location 1305)
If the Line 5 is in the wrong place at the wrong time, getting or responding to the wrong projections, they can be the object of negative projections. This can be painful for the… (Location 1307)
If the Line 5 is getting positive projections but then believes the projections to be personally about them, they can get entwined in believing they are the savior rather than the bringers of the solution. Also, the Line 5 is designed to bring the solution and then step away. Their job is done. It’s time to let others take over. If the Line 5 stays too long the positive projection can turn negative. Likewise, if the Line 5’s solution doesn’t work, they can be negatively projected on. (Location 1308)
Finally, Line 5 is here to impact strangers of consequence rather than people who they already know. This is the Profile of someone who has karmic relationships. Every meeting with a stranger is potentially life changing. Think of Mother Theresa or Eckhart Tolle. (Location 1314)
THE 3/5 PROFILE When we pair the Conscious, mutative Line 3 with the Unconscious Savior Line 5, we have an extraordinary person, capable of previously unimaginable possibilities. They are the luminary leaders,… (Location 1316)
With their Conscious Line 3 they have that brilliant capacity to meet life in full curiosity. Like a child in a sandbox, they’re experimenting. They won’t hesitate to taste the sand or throw it, for that matter. Always learning, they are continuously engaged in the creative act of discovery. But discovery with a purpose. They are meeting and upgrading life, first and foremost, for themselves. But then the Line 5 kicks in and their exploration takes on meaning. It is for the benefit of humanity. There is a calling that they’re responding to. There is a need to fill. They must come up with a new solution. When Einstein said “You can’t solve a… (Location 1318)
One of my favorite examples of this is my amazing book and business coach Angela Lauria. Always an avid reader, she naturally became a ghostwriter at a young age. Grappling with her own weight issues, she turned to self-help books to explore what might assist her on her journey. At the same time, she was passionate about fighting for the rights of those without a voice. She was committed to righting the wrongs in the world. She was outraged by the effects of institutionalized racism and sexism. She fought for LGBTQ rights. Angela understood the importance of voice in this fight. She saw that the publishing industry was based in a male hierarchy. It let only a privileged few have their voice heard. It deemed who was worthy to speak and controlled the dialogue. Angela set out to shift the paradigm by creating The Difference Press and a book writing program, The Author Incubator, that welcomed people who were called to make a difference. Angela accepts people who are clear… (Location 1324)
Note: Ghostwriter voice
Challenges The challenges for the 3/5 can be onerous. First, there is the challenge of the Line 3: not knowing if something is going to work until you try it. Pair that with the Line 5’s burden of people always expecting you to come through with a solution, and if you don’t get it right, you get walloped. That combination makes the projection field especially dicey for the 3/5 Profile. (Location 1352)
If the 3/5 is thinking they should be perfect and get things right immediately, they will suffer. In the same way, it can be agonizing if other people are judging them, and the 3/5 takes it personally. (Location 1355)
That brings us to the challenge of being wise when deciding which problem-solving calls to accept. If the 3/5 is not following their Strategy and leaps to help in a situation that is not right for them, they will have that experience of falling from grace – a kind of splat. Talk to any 3/5 and they will recognize this experience in their lives. (Location 1358)
Then, there is that issue of relationships. The 3/5 has the bonds-made-and-broken theme with a trial-and-error process. This theme permeates relationships as well as in other parts of their lives. If something doesn’t feel good in relationship, it’s unbearable. The 3/5 is designed to move away from what doesn’t work and move towards what does. They can leave relationships abruptly if they don’t see a way to influence an untenable situation. This can be challenging for the person they’re in relationship with, who can feel unreasonably dumped. It can also be difficult for the 3/5 Profile, who lives in a world that says pair bonding is the ultimate happiness. (Location 1361)
There is good news for those 3/5 Profiles who desire long-term relationships. If the partner can tolerate the 3/5 coming and going while they find what they need and what works, the relationship can become stable and viable. It can be tough having a 3/5 Profile, especially before you realize the power of the gift you’ve been given. (Location 1366)
WORKING WITH A 3/5 PROFILE You have a client who has a 3/5 Profile! Hang on to your hat! You’re most likely in for a ride… First things first: Don’t judge anything your 3/5 client does. Always gear them towards the question, What did you learn from this experiment? (Location 1375)
The 3/5 learns by trial and error. They need the space to explore and discover. They need the room to have things not work so they can discover what does work. It could be easy to see the mess they may present as a problem. Don’t fall prey to projections! (Location 1378)
Consider the challenge the younger 3/5 Profile may have in managing the tension between the Line 3 and the Line 5. They feel the pressure to save the… (Location 1380)
Or they are continuously put on a pedestal that they know is not authentic and feel the pressure… (Location 1382)
Note: Dit
My most successful 3/5 clients have learned to fully embrace their trial-and-error style. In fact, they relish it. They understand that there are no mistakes. They value the wisdom gained from… (Location 1383)
Note: there Re no mistakes
If your coach has a 3/5 Profile (like my writing and business coach Angela Lauria), they will teach trial and error as The Way. Be clear, you can learn from that style even if it is not your own natural Profile path. Working with Angela has brought more room for experimentation into my life. It has tempered some of my paralyzing perfectionism.… (Location 1384)
If the issue your client faces is a relationship issue, remember that with the 5th Line, the 3/5 Profile rarely lets people see who they truly are. Because of the propensity for… (Location 1389)
Know that if the 3/5’s partner can be spacious with the 3/5’s process, the chance of a longer-term… (Location 1392)
GUIDED MEDITATION Imagine for a moment that you are a unique, once-in-a-lifetime being brought to Earth with a special mission. You have an important purpose. You are bringing an invaluable piece to the larger puzzle of humanity. Your light cannot be replicated by anyone else. To ignite your purpose and ensure that your light is turned on, you’ve been given a gift: your Profile. You have been gifted the 3/5 Profile. This Profile provides insight into how to realize your potential. It shows you the mechanism or the learning style that will call forth your purpose. Take a moment. Put everything aside. Let the past fall away. Let the future dissolve. Turn your attention to the present moment. Allow your awareness to shift from ordinary consciousness to extraordinary consciousness. Begin by connecting with your body. Sense your arms and legs. Sense your belly center. Take a breath. Settle into the awareness of your entire body. Now call your 3/5 Profile into your awareness. Feel the curiosity of your Conscious Line 3. So alive! So willing to experiment. Feel how compelled it is to discover what works and what doesn’t. Sense the creative freedom to explore! Now, turn to the Unconscious Line 5. What do you notice? Can you feel the enormous job the Line 5 has? Do you recognize that you are here to solve problems? That you have the task of saving the world? How does that feel? Is it a relief to acknowledge it? Does it feel like a burden you carry? Now look around at the people who want your help. Who needs what you have to offer? Can you see that you are calling them to you? Can you feel them projecting onto you? Are they positive projections? Or have you disappointed someone and are being hit with negative projections? Can you see them for what they are: projections? How would it be to not take the projections personally? Take a moment and appreciate your 3/5 Profile. What do you love about it? What do you find challenging? Would it be OK to turn to it as a wisdom energy and ask it if it has any guidance for you? If so, what does it say? Take a moment and receive the 3/5’s gifts.… (Location 1397)
Note: Every mistake closer to goal
Someone with a 3rd Line should never be criticized nor criticize themselves. Instead, the empowering question for the Line 3 is, What did you learn? (Location 1466)
You thrive when you’re clear that you’re here to learn from what doesn’t work rather than judge yourself for making what appears to be a mistake. (Location 1535)
The 4/6 has a mission. They are bringing wisdom to their network. It’s serious business but done through friendliness. (Location 1639)
Never underestimate someone with a 4/6 Profile. They are wise visionaries with big hearts. (Location 1648)
When you are working with the 4/6 Profile begin by recognizing you have a leader in your midst – a visionary. Don’t doubt or question their view of things. (Location 1671)
The rare 4/1 jewel has the gift of being themselves regardless of the situation they’re in. (Location 1726)
People with a 4/1 Profile are incredibly friendly and social, yet they need their solitude. They need that alone time to do the big work of being absorbed in learning what intrigues them. (Location 1739)
The 4/1 has little tolerance for people who don’t go their way. They can be challenging to coach, especially if the coach (parent, therapist, or boss) is thinking their job is to help the 4/1 shift their stance. The person coaching a 4/1 must really work with them rather than trying to move them. (Location 1789)
I learned a lot about them by witnessing how they were coached and how they responded to coaching. I saw the 4/1’s friendliness, their capacity to connect, and their engagement in the process. I also saw them struggle, at times coming to loggerheads with the coaching staff. As long as they were cherry picking what worked for them in the program, they were successful. (Location 1807)
The 5th Lines have a big responsibility. They are here to serve humanity with their influential power and capacity to solve problems. How they go about doing that will depend on which line the 5th Line is paired with. (Location 1900)
The 5th Line is projected on. They are not seen for who they are but rather for who people want them to be. They act as mirrors, showing people what they need to heal in themselves. (Location 1905)
So, as a coach or therapist or boss, just be aware of the tendency to project your needs and desires on to 5th Lines! Share with your client the power of the 5/1 Profile. Let them know they have a dharma to save the world. Often, they’ll tell you it’s a relief to know that. It’s something they’ve felt driven by but haven’t understood. Help them understand the projection field they inhabit and name the challenges they face with it. (Location 1990)
Help your client understand the inherent challenges they’ll encounter if they don’t respond to a calling from an aligned place. (Location 1998)
Unpressured alone time is the golden key for the 5/2 Profile. This enables them to access themselves and the bounty of riches that lie in wait deep within. (Location 2060)
There are a few challenges that the 5/2 Profile faces. The first revolves around navigating their Unconscious Line 2. If they are not aware of their gifts, they can be caught in the 5th Line activity of saving the world before they have the support of their gifts to help them out. (Location 2107)
Linda now knows that she is like a blank slate that people project on. People don’t see her. She’s learned to let it go. She only lets her screen down with a few people who are really present with her. (Location 2146)
When we look at the Conscious Line 6 and Unconscious Line 2 together, we see a person who is at once looking at the big picture and, at the same time, called to be in their own domain, doing their own thing. (Location 2237)
Entelechy: The 6/3 Profile is the last of the 12 Hexagrams. They are here to usher in a metamorphosis. By modeling what it means to live true to one’s inner authority, they act as beacons. They show the way to a new world where each human being’s uniqueness is honored. (Location 2344)
It may look like the 3rd Line is not committed in relationship when actually they are looking for higher levels of coherence. (Location 2435)
Remember that you may encounter upheaval or disorder as the 6/3 creates chaos before a new level of coherence is established. (Location 2452)
We’re using the Profiles as an exploration – a starting place and a doorway into understanding. Keep your curiosity engaged! Use the Profiles to open doors of possibility, not to confine people into labels. (Location 2510)
The 3/5 Profile resonates with and is in harmony with Lines 2, 3, 5, and 6. They are connected with the 1/3, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 5/3, and 6/2 Profiles. They are different from the 1/4 and 4/1 Profiles. (Location 2579)
• If you have a 3rd Line Profile, you are going to favor a trial-and-error learning style. (Location 2605)
If you have a 5th Line Profile, you will do best working with strangers. You’ll be waiting for the right call to step in and bring solutions. (Location 2609)
I’ve been in many coaching groups, and I’m keenly aware of how coaches assume that their style is the way. I’ve seen coaches with 3rd Line Profiles teach trial and error as the path. I’ve seen coaches with 5th Lines assume that people are here to solve a problem. I’ve seen 4th Line coaches teach a style of friendliness and connection as a marketing tool. Each one of their approaches is brilliant and useful. They just may not be a match for the person you’re working with. It’d be like telling a Projector they should act like a Generator. (Location 2614)
Can we learn from these different styles? Yes. Can we try them on? Yes. But our success is going to come when we’re aligned with our own Profile and when we are following our unique Strategy and Authority. (Location 2618)
If you have a client with a Line 3 Profile, you want to encourage their trial-and-error learning process. Have them look back at their life and see what they have learned when things didn’t work out. Have them do an inventory. Are they blaming themselves for “mistakes?” Can you help them to reframe those situations? Can you support them to find a new narrative that gives them full permission, in alignment with their Strategy and Authority, to explore life in a hands-on way? Can you help them see how vital it is to their success to learn what does work by finding out what doesn’t? Remember that if someone has a 6th Line in their Profile, they will act like a 3rd Line during their first thirty years. (Location 2635)
Another side story. I spoke earlier about my 3/5 book and business coach Angela Lauria. She has that Profile that is going to save the world by seeing what doesn’t work and making corrections. She midwifed hundreds of people to write books and make a difference. This past year, she became friends with Marianne Williamson and invited Marianne to be part of The Author Incubator. Marianne is a 2/4. Remember, with a Line 5, Angela is designed to solve the problem and step out. She is not the person to be focused on creating community. That is not her long suit. When Marianne showed up, things shifted. We met every Wednesday with Marianne for “Author Church.” Marianne began creating community. She wanted to know who we were. She wanted connection. She wanted intimacy. Her long suit wasn’t so much as a problem solver. Her long suit was connection. She created conversations that had an impact. She brought her 2nd Line genius to people in her individual conversations with them. Being part of her network shifted how we thought. It changed how we approached our writing. She called on us to think more broadly and to include the political world in our dialogue. Marianne called us to network. If you have a client with a Line 5 in their Profile, understand that they have a big job. They are truly here to save the world. This can be felt as a burden or as an exhilarating possibility or both. The conversation around projection looms large and will need to be untangled. How can they live skillfully in the projection field? Can they use the projections rather than take them personally? Another conversation you’ll want to explore is around the call. What is a good call? Are they following their Strategy and Authority to discern a good call and then using the awareness of when it is time to step out? Is the job over? Can they hand it off to others to complete? They must have time to recuperate between callings. All these are key to their wellbeing and effectiveness. (Location 2646)
When we do not know our Profile, we’re in an undifferentiated state of awareness. We act without that poise between mobility and stability. We fall, not understanding why. (Location 2768)